Calibration Weights
Weights Manufactured As Per International Recommendation
OIML R 111-1
Weights of classes El, E2, Fl, F2, MI, MI-2, M2, M2-3 and M3
Maximum permissible errors for weights (± 6m in mg) as per OIML R 111 - 1

India’s leading manufacturer and suppliers of Laboratory Weights which ranges from milligram to Kilograms, all made under one roof.
- Small weights up to 1 mg
- Large weights up to 50 kg
- Special forms such as bent-wire and sheet milligram weights
- Special Markings
- Boxes and Cases - Aluminium, Plastic & Wooden as per use

Archerchem Instruments follows stringent quality measures in accordance with OIML R 111-1 2004 recommendations. The Calibration procedures are derived from OIML R 111-1 2004 and intermediate checks are performed at regular intervals with OIML R 76 recommendations.
Limits of Polarization
The magnetization M, expressed in terms of the polarization, pO M, should not exceed the values given

Limits of Magnetic Susceptibility

Maximum Value of Surface Roughness

Ambient Temperatures During Calibration


Accuracy differentiation between E1, E2, F1 Class Weights
(Example 100g) Maximum Permissible error for 100g Weight ( + mg )
E1 - 100g + 0.05mg = 99.99995 g to 100.00005 g
E2 - 100g + 0.16mg = 99.99984 g to 100.00016 g
F1 - 100g + 0.5mg = 99.99950 g to 100.00050 g
Choose from a comprehensive range of accessories for professional weight handling, including ergonomics tweezer, brush, weights handles (SS), weight container and types of gloves
Read MoreArcherchem Weights Calibration services
Archerchem Instruments provides accurate and reliable calibration services as per ISO/IEC 17025 recommendations. The most efficient mass comparators and weighing balances are employed to give you accurate and best comparative results

Calibration Requirements of Test Weights
All though all precautions for maintaining the accuracy of weights at manufacturing level are
observed, it is important to calibrate the weights through a reliable and authorised
external/internal testing laboratory having traceability to national and international
Even when weights are handled with care, they experience wear and tear. Therefore it is
important to recalibrate your routine test weights regularly. The frequency can be defined
based on usage of the weights, storage conditions, handling, maintenance, operator skills
and the criticality of your weighing process.